This Weight Workout Hardcore is also called 100's because it only consist of four different exercises, and doing all four 100 reps! These directions must be followed exactly as written! You will for sure see great improvement in size and muscle. For this routine you will need a watch with a second hand, and weights. Before getting started read the entire workout plan, and get all your weights together, The four exercises for this routine are as follows:
Bench Press (to be done with 50% of your body weight, for example if your weight is 200 lbs. the weight you should perform this exercise with is 100 lbs.) Note if using dumbbells the combined weight of both dumbbells should be 50% of your body weight.
Curls (to be done with 25% of body weight) to be done with curl bar, or barbell, or dumbbell. But remember the combined weight of both dumbbells must equal approx. 25% of body weight.
Press behind neck (to be done with the same weight as above 25% of body weight.) this exercise is often referred to as Overhead Extensions.
Sit Ups (do whatever situps you can do best remember you are doing 100 of these.)
Remember the name of this workout Weight Workout Hardcore Upper Body Routine.
Day #1 through Day #3 Bench press 100 reps in 12 minutes or less (do as many sets and reps as needed to complete 100 reps on the bench press, within 12 minutes.)your weights should be set at 50% of your body weight.
Curls Standing,100 reps in 12 minutes or less (same rules apply as above do as many sets and reps as needed to complete 100 reps within 12 minutes)your weights should be set at 25% of your body weight.
Press behind neck or Overhead extensions 100 reps within 12 minutes or less (same rules apply as above use as many sets and reps as needed to complete 100 reps.) your weights should be set at 50% of your body weight.
Sit Ups complete 100 sit ups within 5 minutes.
Day 4 through Day 5
Cut back your time on all the exercises from 12 minutes down to 10 minutes, but keep your same time with the sit ups at 5 minutes.
Day 6 through Day 10
Weight Workout Hardcore was never meant for those looking for something easy, that produce little or no results.
Raise all your weights by 10%, (so instead of being at 50% your now at 60% on the bench press and 35% on curls and press.) Keep your time frame the same at 10 minutes for each exercise,and 5 minutes for situps.
Day 11 through Day 16
Raise all your weights by 10%, (so instead of being at 60% your now at 70% no the bench press and at 45% on curls and press.) While keeping the time frame the same at ten minutes, and 5 minutes for situps.
Day 19 through Day 22
Cut time frame down to 8 minutes for each exercise. 5 minutes for situps.
Day #23 through Day #26
Raise all your weights by 10% (instead of being at 70% your now at 80% on the bench press, and at 55% on curls & press.)
Day 27 through Day #30
Raise your weights by 10% (to 90% on your bench press, and 65% on your curls,and press exercises.)
Day #31 through Day #34
Raise your weights by 10% (to 100% of body weight on bench press, and 75% for your curls and press.)